Friday, January 15, 2010

Blaming (your) God

Much has been said about Pat Robertson's comments blaming the tragety in Haiti on a pact with the Devil. Here is Robert Gibb's take on the issue - Here is Don Imus' comments -

I agree that these comments are not helpful and border on hateful. The idea of blaming innocent people for a natural disaster is just wrong. This kind of thinking is what lead to witch trials and inquisitions and has no place in modern society. Pat Robertson has the right to believe what he wants and it is right that he be called out on these comments.

I wonder how much Danny Glover will be ridiculed for his position on this?
Seems that Mr. Glover thinks there may be some connection between efforts to curb Global Warming and what has happened in Haiti. Is this any less outrageous? Is he not just as deserving of redicule? He does not care about the people in Haiti he only care about the opportunity this presents for the Obama administration. Sounds like he interviewing for a job. What a nut...

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