Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Freedom of the Press...

Here are a couple of stories that relate to the state of the Press today and where it may be going in the near future.

The first is from Big Hollywood and is and excellent example of bias in the media. If you don't think the media has a specific agenda then how can you explain the fact that both the war in Iraq and Afganistan have fallen off the media radar? Remember Cindy Sheehan? She is now protesting President Obama. Did you know that? http://bighollywood.breitbart.com/tslagle/2009/09/01/where-have-all-the-cameras-gone/#more-213334

Predient Obama is setting up a shadow government in the form of 'czars' for every concievable issue. The new FCC diversity 'czar' seems to be another scary radical. Seems he is not a big fan of freedom of speach and is not affraid to say so. http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=336613763986105

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