Thursday, September 24, 2009

Interesting stuff around the web Here is a lovely little video of public school teachers teaching little children to sing songs of praise to the president. Very a creepy, disturbing way. This is an article from a couple of weeks ago. David Horowitz points out how different president Obama is from candidate Obama. Some very good point here. Is he a real life 'Manchurian Candidate?' Energy Secretary Steven Chu has a very low opinion of the average American. Sounds like he as a plan to straighten out the unruly children... If you have been wondering why the 'stimulus' has not been working it might be because it was written by a bunch of radicals. These folks have no interest in reviving the US economy, they want to destroy it and replace it with something completely different. The connections here are scary.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This Month's Camille Paglia Editorial

Once again she hits one out of the park. As usual I find myself disagreeing with many of her points but the honesty is refreshing! This month I agree with about 75% of her points which is more than any other Democrat writer out there.

Head Scratchers...

As if His Lordship, Obama, did not already have enough work to do he has decided that important (read meaningless) work in the UN must be handled by him personally. President Obama will be the President of the UN Security Council. WTF - This guy is a major power trip going on. He is looking more and more like a control freak every day.

If you were not already opposed to the massive government take over of the health care industry wait until you find out who will be the primary enforcers of the new law - THE IRS. That should scare the crap out of every American! Just what the most powerful agency in the US government needs - tons more power!

The President gave a pathetic speech to the nation's school children today. It was so pointless you might wonder what all the fuss is about? Most thinking people realize that the content of the speech was different today than it was originally planned to be. It is funny that the press and Congress doesn't seem to have any problem with the President addressing school children but when the first President Bush did something slightly similar in the early '90's there were Congressional hearings on the matter. Democrats are only upset by stuff like this when they are done by Republicans.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Freedom of the Press...

Here are a couple of stories that relate to the state of the Press today and where it may be going in the near future.

The first is from Big Hollywood and is and excellent example of bias in the media. If you don't think the media has a specific agenda then how can you explain the fact that both the war in Iraq and Afganistan have fallen off the media radar? Remember Cindy Sheehan? She is now protesting President Obama. Did you know that?

Predient Obama is setting up a shadow government in the form of 'czars' for every concievable issue. The new FCC diversity 'czar' seems to be another scary radical. Seems he is not a big fan of freedom of speach and is not affraid to say so.